Kubilai Khan investigations
Gyrations of barbarous tribes - created in 2005/2006
66 representations
Tour : Mozambique - France - Monaco - Belgique - Congo - Cameroun

Diaporama par Jean-Louis Fernandez

A stage as an individual (play) area. That of a tribe willing to exchange. That of dancers, acrobats and musicians seeking a route that will link their continents. Crossing frontiers, the Djembe invites itself into the swinging melodies of the violin, the Mozambican rhythms rub up against the Japanese electronic music, contemporary dance defies African dance. From these unexpected frictions starry sparks appear, those which show the way. Gone is the time of confrontation, cultures, as do the bodies, come to know each other, form harmonies yet do not forget themselves. Until they create a common language, where differences accord with such obvious ease.
Laurence Perez

Beyond appearances, indifference to the fragmentation of our globalized world, this project would like to initiate, to impulse systems attuned and magnetized to the enigma of the present world, and which reveal us all, as strangers to each other as well as to ourselves. Memory likes to hunt in the dark. The otherness of self, of others and of the world is like a river that ever flows yet is not shown on any map. Maputo faces up to the Indian Ocean.

Frank Micheletti
This experiment is a confrontation between European and Japanese artists and Mozambican artists. Contacts and relationships between bodies, musical qualities, writings, images that develop around different mediums, languages and techniques.
This project examines parallels and differences between African and European perspectives, with the intention of opening up paths to understanding, varying practices and reciprocal inventions and attitudes. To reveal, to mobilize a gap where a particular dynamic exists which, when questioned, opens a way towards new possibilities, a geography of the being that changes. This exploration-expedition of far off places, attitudes, inner beings, structured around frictions : black/white, desire/money, oscillations/tensions, free/captive, power/good conscience, passion/mistrust, reveals an impulsive and vibrant material which the original identity is embodied with : that of the body, an identity of the flesh.

Distribution : Artistic direction - Frank Micheletti assisted by Panaibra Gabriel and Dimitri Jourde/ Music - Rui Owada, Takumi Fukushima and Matchumé (groupe Timbila Muzimba)
Création lumières et scénographie : Ivan Mathis
Création costumes : Sarah Veillon
Artistes - interprètes :
Takumi Fukushima
Edna Celeste Jaime
Sonia Janet Portugal
Idio Simião Francisco Chichava
Dimitri Jourde
Frank Micheletti
Rui Owada
Alberto Nhabanga
Cândido Salomão Zango (Matchumé)

Régie générale/direction technique : Pierre Vigna
Régie son : Rémy Combret
Administration : Cathy Chahine
25/3/2008 Théâtre de Sartrouville
25/3/2008 Théâtre de Sartrouville, Sartrouville
21/3/2008 CC Juliette Drouet, Fougères
19/3/2008 Carré Magique, Lannion
18/3/2008 ONYX la Carrière, Saint-Herblain
14/3/2008 Théâtre Romain Rolland, Villejuif
11/3/2008 CC Boris Vian, Les Ulis
8/3/2008 Palais des Congrès, C. culturel, Saint-Raphaël
29/2/2008 Centre C. Balavoine, Arques
27/2/2008 Théâtre 140, Brussels, Belgium
19/12/2006 Espaces Pluriels, Pau
13/12/2006 Maison des Arts, Créteil
10/12/2006 Monaco dance forum, Monaco
10/7/2006 Théâtre des Hivernales, Avignon
17/5/2006 L'Arsenal, Metz
12/5/2006 Espace 1789, Rencontres chorégraphiques Internationales de Seine- Saint-Denis
11/3/2006 Première française, CNCDC de Chateauvallon, Ollioules