Kubilai Khan investigations
© Baptiste Alexandrowicz

Ciel Ouvert is a stroll of landscapes, dances and sound creations in situ to discover new approaches to apprehend open air spaces.

This project is initially thought for the mountain and its reliefs. It brings hikers, inhabitants, tourists, curious to discover and participate in a choreographed artistic journey.

It brings together 6 artists, curious, committed, with the sincere desire to seek, explore and experiment with new horizons.

An artistic residency precedes the event and immerses the artistic team for a few days in the mountains. The opportunity to think and plan the circuit proposed to
The opportunity to think and plan the circuit proposed to the spectators, to enter in relations with the inhabitants of the places, to record sounds, to impregnate itself of the environment and its power.

Ciel Ouvert is composed and written in dialogue with the partners who support it. This project has the vocation to adapt, to listen.

Partnerships and collaborations with local actors are welcome in this immersive project: refuges, alpine clubs, associations, local communities, etc.

© Romain Blanchi

The natural environment, its relief raises a desire for space and movement, a plateau of altitude to deploy the energy of the beings, by moving and questioning the uses and the codified and normalized standards where a good part of our existences are wrapped. In these experiences are inscribed beacons, cardinal landmarks but also possibilities of intensified poetic fields. Choreographic paths will be created where sound salons will be set up on the slopes of the mountain pastures, which will reveal the surveyors of reliefs, the travelers of the pluralities and diversities of the world and give voice to those who live there.

Artistic practices in all fields, light assemblies and lively and dynamic modelling to activate correspondences, combinations and permutations that make the mountain dance. Itineraries, taking bearings: such a ridge, such a tree, such a stream enlarge our perceptive faculties and situate us in a wider space-time, propose to let a poetic ray come in the time of the watch, to contest a little the calculated time.

This journey animated by a thought of the outside, attentive to what surrounds us, follows the paths of a geo aesthetic and a fruitful dialogue between art and nature.

Chemins à ciel ouvert par Radio Royans

11/6/2023 Ciel ouvert - Festival La Maison Dance CDCN d'Uzès - Uzès
5/9/2021 Ciel Ouvert, Festival de la Batie, Genève
4/9/2021 Ciel Ouvert, Festival de la Batie, Genève
3/7/2021 Ciel Ouvert, Parc des Bauges
12/6/2021 Ciel Ouvert, Parc des Baronnies Provençales
6/6/2021 Ciel Ouvert, Parc du Vercors
13/7/2019 Ciel Ouvert, Festival ANDIAMO, Aussois (73)
12/7/2019 Ciel Ouvert, Festival ANDIAMO, Aussois (73)
11/7/2019 Ciel Ouvert, Festival ANDIAMO, Aussois (73)